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Regenerative Systems Design

The Botanical Lab

Material Science & Products

Evolutionary Science & Illustration


Material Science and Products
The Botanical Lab

In conjunction with his graduate studies, Waylon travelled to the Western Ghats, Kerala, and several urban markets, collecting plant specimens for his aquaponic experiments. He infused this into his urban afforestation project which has now evolved into ‘The Botanical Lab’ - an ethos for aesthetic and scientific natural systems.This has grown to be a space where you can touch, smell and taste the art; where plants are allowed to manoeuvre freely and multiply. It reflects a healthy permanence of preservation culture where you don’t segregate, but integrate everything into a communion of possibilities.

This communion is not preached in isolation within a single space but at various projects and ecosystems, so much so that these spaces becomes a kind of affective realm for not just for the designer to develop work that contributes towards projects of ecological calibration but also raising a critical call to our own callous ways of interacting and using nature.

The Botanical lab

Observations from wildscapes inspire Waylon's experimentation and prototyping process. Every experience in the wildnerness serves as inspiration and offers insight into the science of natural aesthetic. Waylon employs these observations to create self-sustaining systems where nature acts as a sublime influencer.

Forest Science

Biodiversity mapping in different ecosystems and study of human interventions in ecosystems

Ecosystem engineering&scientific design with Biomimicry, traditional and modern technology

Forest Science
Water Science

Water plays a central and critical role in all aspects of life – in the national environment, in our economies, in food security, in production, in politics. Water has indeed a special significance for the great religions.

His projects have explored principles of biomimicry for bioremediation in product design, using landscape design principles with aquaponics, leveraging the potential of simple organisms such as fungi,algae and arthropods to create waste and water management plans and products.

Waylon collects simple organisms like fungi and algae to design regenerative ecosystems and leverages their potential to manage waste efficiently. His projects employ the principles of biomimicry for bioremediation.

Water Science
Aquatic Ecosystems and Hydrology

Waylon replicates natural systems for bio remediation and design by observing journeys of water. He maps hydrology and ecosystems by collecting specimens and documenting stagnant and flowing water bodies (such as tributaries, canals and reservoirs).

Research and documentation

Waylon studies practices in aquaculture, marine and freshwater research. His experiments cross-pollinate ideas from different sectors and aim to bridge the gap between academia and the private sector.